I was lucky enough to grow up in the mountains since my early childhood. In 2007, during an internship for a BTS (Management and Protection of Nature) in the Vanoise National Park, I discovered the life of a refuge keeper. This atmosphere, this job and the grandiose setting offered by the mountains will remain engraved in me. I finished my degree, validated the diploma of Mountain Leader and I worked for the National Union of Mountain Leaders for a few years.
In 2011, after spending 15 days during the spring at the Promontoire refuge with Frédi MEIGNAN, I enrolled for the University Diploma of Refuge Keeper. I had the chance to meet and work with emblematic Vanoise refuge keepers, passionate about their job, such as Franck Buisson from the Dent Parrachée, Gérard VILLIOT from Peclet Polset... In 2012 the Vanoise National Park trusted me and granted me the management of the Plaisance refuge (Champagny en Vanoise). For 4 years I enriched my skills as a warden and in the field by working as a guide. Then in 2016, I got the management of the Fond des Fours refuge.

Today, for 5 months of the year, I am at the refuge with my two boys, Bastien and Romain, to welcome you and share my passion.
My vision of the refuge: it is a stage, an objective or a base camp to go further!

To discover the fauna, the flora, the geology, the marvellous landscapes and so on... everything that the marvellous Vanoise massif offers us. Between Haute Tarentaise and Maurienne, a few kilometres from Italy, our high perched situation offers us an exceptional micro climate.

    Our isolation and rusticity will revive your senses and allow you to take a break for a night and reconnect with the mountains, with yourself and with your loved ones.

My vision of the job of refuge keeper: it is a job of passion, which I like to share and discover...

I work in the spirit of the park, favouring local development and eco-responsible actions. I select local, organic and biodegradable products as a priority. The unique setting provided by the Vanoise National Park allows us to be more sensitive, more in tune with nature and our senses... I try to make the refuge live in harmony with its environment.

Come and live the unique experience offered by the traditional refuges of the Vanoise.

I look forward to meeting you!



Come and share the refuge experience, come and taste our specialities, come and explore our setting... from the small green valleys to the grassy lake to the top of the glaciers, through endless ridges of captivating beauty.