We are fortunate to have a magnificent bivouac area next to the refuge. The number of places is limited, access is regulated, we are in the heart of the Vanoise National Park.
  • Reservation of your pitch is MANDATORY (limited number of places due to the size of the reception area in case of storm)
  • Rate 5€ per person (Cheque or cash only)
  • You must be 100% autonomous on your bivouac equipment.
  •  It is possible to take half-board at the refuge on reservation only.
  •  Tents can only be pitched between 7pm and 8am (this is a bivouac, not a camping area)

The 5 euros are a participatory rate, you have access to the sanitary facilities and drinking water. For safety and well being we will apply the regulations to the letter.


The intensive installation of tents eventually creates erosion and can lead to problems of waste dumping or uncontrolled fires by some irresponsible visitors. The network of refuges covers all the hiking routes in the heart of the Park and their wardens are happy to welcome you there! Would you like to go on a bivouac tour anyway? If so, plan your stay by planning to spend the night in the immediate vicinity of the refuges where it is possible to bivouac: Fond des Fours, Col du Palet, La Glière, Lacs Merlet, Le Carro, La Valette, La Dent Parrachée, Fond d'Aussois, Arpont, Leisse, Femma, La Martin, Turia, Entre le Lac, Entre Deux Eaux, Plan du Lac, Lac Blanc, Mont Pourri.

The practice of bivouacking near the refuges in the heart of the Vanoise National Park meets various conditions:

  •     Bivouacs are offered during the summer period when the refuges are guarded, between 1 June and 30 September;
  •     in a light tent that does not allow standing when a tent is used (it is therefore not a camp)
  •     in the period between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m;
  •     on sites in the immediate vicinity of the huts, identified for this purpose, not built, not terraced and not profiled for this sole use;
  •     and within the capacity of the designated sites.


The warden can thus divide the users into different sleeping areas, in the refuge or in the outside tents. However, given the organisational constraints imposed by the Covid-19 measures, users are not guaranteed to be able to choose according to their preference.

If you wish to bivouac near a refuge, remember to make a reservation (obligatory) with the wardens. They are responsible for making sure that everything runs smoothly, as well as taking into account your needs for sanitary facilities or occasional meals.
